We reside on the family farmstead established in the early 1900's. Prior to that time, Native Americans roamed the woods and prairies that we are privaleged to walk every day. Being the 7th generation representative of Swedish and Danish immigrants, and the 5th to live on this farm, is a rarety and a blessing we count every day. With joy and gratitude, our family lives within the same walls and explores the same land that Eddie and Harriet Rassumen grew their family many generations ago.

Eddie and Harriet built a life here, on this farm in 1930. At that time, they plowed the fields with two mules and fired their home with the wood that Eddie cut. They operated a sustainable farm where nothing went to waste. In the latter part of his life, Eddie undertook many efforts to “return the land back to the way it was when the buffalo roamed," and we work hard to continue this effort. There are countless stories of love and loss, growth and lessons that took place here, and the stories continue to unfold in our lives every moment. Our intention is to honor ourselves, our dreams, our joy and love, and honor the family that lived before us, with an extraordinary understanding of Nature’s Economy and their place within it. They were resourceful, hardworking, kind, and grateful conservationists. They, along with my husband’s parents, and the help of a few others, have left a legacy and a lifestyle that we are blessed to inherit.

And so, our chapter of “Life on the Farm” began in 2009 when we leapt into the realm of: If anything was possible…..what would we create? There was a longing in our hearts and a surge of joyful enthusiasm so deep and so wide that we knew it needed to be explored. So, we said “YES” to our hearts and it has been a journey of self discovery with many teachings.

Our transition from Austin, Texas to Minnesota has been peppered with unparalleled difficulty and unparalleled bliss. In truth, there were moments during our first winter, when we looked at each other and said “what were we thinking?!” Thankfully, like the cold weather, those moments passed. We want to acknowledge that our life on The Farm is made possible by the support and love of family and most important are Steve’s parents. Leading by example and a willingness to embrace "what is," they are a steady and loving presence. In thanksgiving to their role, we honor and love them dearly.

What I’ve discovered is that there is something that happens inside a person when they join the natural rhythms of the earth: A healing and joyful immersion with Grace. We are grateful, mystified, joyous, humbled and in awe of nature's brilliance, glory, and dynamic diversity and interdependence.

Grateful Hearts,
The Friedlein Family


“The spirit of those who came before us lives on through the water, the land…and our heartfelt intent to preserve their heritage” - Steve Sr. 

“What calls you to live your life in the honoring? Make your choosing! The world is waiting.” - Emmanuel


Why did we create Nature's Economy? Slowly, over time, friends and family have trickled in with comments and questions about life out here. Each encounter was like tiny nudges opened the doors of curiosity and possibility in our minds and in our hearts. 


Every product we offer is handmade and crafted by us using the resources here on The Farm. Every moment, Nature is regenerating her resources. They are not limitless. It takes time to create "more." When we consume our last drop of maple syrup, we know that our next opportunity to enjoy fresh syrup will be next springtime when the sap begins to run again. When we sell our last alpaca rug, we know that we will have to wait until next May to shear our alpacas, skirt, clean, card, and spin each fleece into usable fiber to create a completely new and one-of-a-kind product. When our goose feather storage bin is empty, we know that there won't be more until the geese molt their feathers again. And on and on it goes.

We do our best to trust in the process. The possibilities are limitless as long as we maintain an open mind and an open heart. As Nature provides us with sustainable materials and a seasonal schedule, we can then share whatever our imaginations can create. Our family's intention is to model our work and our lives after Nature's Economy: Respecting and honoring its timing, schedule, pace, intelligent design, and wisdom. We do our best to emulate its 'style and elegance' in the way we approach our role as stewards of this grand place.

Economy means the "careful management of available resources." Yes, Nature does have an economy, Nature's Economy, based on two fundamental principles: Diversity & Interdependence. These principles guide our work and life on The Farm. Diversity is key to any healthy and thriving ecosystem. Each individual part functions to serve the betterment of the whole. Like an intricate weaving, there is a "mutual dependence" between each thread to ensure the integrity of the cloth.

An excerpt from botanist, Terence McKenna (1946-2000)

"Now, where do you look for models? Where do you go?
The answer is so obvious.
You go to nature. Nature has an economy, an elegance, a style that if we could but emulate it......”  

imagine the possibilities.

Thank you.





©Natures Economy
Web Site by Dennis Benson